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My Heartbeat In 2021

Hi there! Sorry to disappear around this time, I have been working on something I am very excited about, but (probably very) later I will tell you what I am working on at the moment, hehe. How are you doing, anyway? Good, better, or even been worse than today? Everything that you feel and do…

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The World Sees Me, The World Turns Around

This is my recent writing for submission to Sambooks Books Publishing Company. The theme is Perempuan dan Pandemi, Women and The Pandemic.  It started when my friend sent me a post about this submission. The event organiser wanted to donate all the registration fees to one NGO that deals with sexual harassment cases. Knowing the purpose, I…

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Yoga and Islam (Self-Reflection)

Hi there! How are you doing? I hope this post finds you well. I’ve been away for some time and I know this blog has almost become an obsolete site, LOL. These last couple of months were incredibly hectic. Well, I think I made myself busy, so I didn’t have to be attached to a…

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Her Soup

Mom had always been obsessed with garlic, so did I. I took a full spoon. My heart is full. Part I I woke up feeling nothing. As I recalled my last memory with my mom, I was motivated to cook something today. I opened the fridge after taking a shower.  Vegetables and a little bit…

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SEG: Stuffed Dates for Iftar

Ramadan Kareem! I haven’t posted anything yet, but I want to post a recipe for you guys. During this Ramadan, I rarely cooked anything. Apart from cooking, I always see food content on TikTok or Instagram, hehe. Once I saw a woman who is brilliantly enough to cook a lot of types of Stuffed Dates.…

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Knock Knock Exhibition: What Is Home To You?

Do you miss going out? Oh, wait, let me rephrase it for you. Do you miss going out with 1 or 2 friends of yours and seeing an offline art exhibition for 2 hours straight without getting bored? Coz I do. Yes, I miss art exhibitions so bad. I haven’t gone anywhere particular for the…

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Strolling Around Sydney With A Stranger for A Day

Last Wednesday marked 7 of April 2021. Do you know what day was it? It’s my birthdaaay y’all. Remembering the COVID-19 situation, I’m still here and not going anywhere for the past year. But other than that, I’m so grateful for what I am and I have today. So, to make this week more fun,…

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SEG: Purple Breakfast!

Hi! As I was talking about the Scrambled Egg Girl section, here we are – finally, I can post about my food diary! Food is such a word for mundane life yet you can see surprises in it. Ever since I was living with my friends in Jakarta, a lot of things changed, including my…

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This…is…very…exiting! Hi there. Welcome to the first post of Scrambled Egg Girl. First, I want to share a little bit about that the illustration above. So, I’ve been calling myself Scrambled Egg Girl (besides tikablah, hehe). The reason is simple: I love scrambled egg, especially in the morning and I eat it with either bread…

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This Is Difficult, But I Feel Amazing

Disclaimer: this post is irrelevant to anything. It only contains my perspective on being an adult. I believe everyone will experience this. This is very natural and normal for every human being on this planet. I’m not exaggerating, I’m just seeing the situation as it is. I am still 24 years old. Life is…new. Every…

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